Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Hasta la Vista David!

Trawling back through the weeks events I was curiously drawn to a meeting of friends which took place in the capital last Thursday.

David Cameron, on the cusp of declaring the ‘ConDems’ defence cuts strategy and with child benefit and public sector cuts still fresh in the minds of the electorate was in bullish mood as he greeted his guest and from all accounts 'buddy' Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California on the steps of 10 Downing Street.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Don't Worry, Yeah Right!

It's Friday, about 2.20pm and I just got as big a tirade of abuse from a client that I have ever had, I wouldn't mind but it's not even my fault! (Well it never is, is it?). I put the phone down and reach for the Ibuprofen, I've not been feeling well recently and my head is pounding.

I turn to my laptop, a few more emails in my inbox, all requiring "action". (I must have a word with Mr. Gates one day about those fearsome big red exclamation marks, standing upright and proud beside their message like an infuriated Sergeant Major delighting in his "High Importance"). I ignore them, I really can't be bothered.

For a moment I stare at the laptop, that bloody laptop. I loved it when I first got it with it's iridescent style, soft springy keys that seemed to caress your fingertips like a tender kiss on the cheek from your first real love; but now? I despise it, it follows me everywhere, and it enslaves me, demanding my attention, feeding on my aspiration for information, communication and social empowerment.